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This is a logical operator that allows us to remove some elements from a selection. Its use is equivalent to saying to PitStop: "...and from what is selected, deselect whatever is...".


Warning: In principle, "NOT" would be the complementary operator to "AND", since the second quality affected by "NOT" has to be present in some of the elements already selected to allow their deselection and, again, both properties have to be nested.

How to use 'NOT' for more than one element

The way "NOT" works has its peculiarities as it only applies to the selection immediately before it. For example: If we want to execute a general colour change over the whole document except for its images, "Select all" and then applying "NOT" for the images would work very well:

Select all
Select images
Convert colour to…

However, if we would like the change to be executed on the whole document except for the images and texts, we could not apply two "NOT" in a row. We should do the following:

Select all
Select images
Select text segments
Convert colour to…

The rule for using "NOT" in complex selections is that, if we want to except more than one type of elements from an action, we must group them with "AND" and "OR" (as appropriate) and then except the whole group with a single "NOT".

(Had we used two "NOT", the result would have been the conversion of the images, which was not desired, by the way).