Related subjects →  Select , Page , Boxes , Format .


This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to select the pages of a document depending on their orientation. We can choose both a selection criterion and a which one of the five page boxes will be used to evaluate that criterion (in the option "Page orientation is based on the…").

The selection criteria


We can set a selection criterion among five mutually exclusive possibilities available in "Select if page orientation is". Pages that meet this criterion will be selected.

  • "Portrait": The vertical axis is longer than the horizontal axis. A vertical page.
  • "Landscape": The horizontal axis is longer than the vertical axis. An horizontal page.
  • "Different from the first page": The dimensions of the page are different from those of the first page. If so, the page is selected.
  • "Most used orientation": In a document with pages of different sizes, the pages whose size is repeated more often will be selected.
  • "Equal for all pages": In this case, the selection only occurs if all pages are equal. This option may seem absurd if you are working with a whole document, but it makes more sense if you are only working with a part of it: The pages are selected only if they all have the same orientation.

What dimensions are measured with

"Page orientation is based on...": This option is used to choose which one of the five page boxes will be used to measure if the condition is met.