Related subjects →  Select , Page , Dimensions .

Select pages by their size with PitStop.

This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to select the pages of a PDF on the basis of they having a certain width and/or height. Besides, It the user to set a "Precision".

Seleccionar páginas por su tamaño con PiStop.

All six conditions shown above are admited.

Seleccionar páginas por su tamaño con PiStop.

To determine the size, the user must choose one of the five page boxes.

Seleccionar páginas por su tamaño con PiStop.

For example, the action list in the screengrab above would mark as wrong (with a watermark saying "wrong" added with the command "Add copied graphics") all the pages that were not 213 × 273 mm, with a rounding of half a millimeter.

The user can enter the dimensions using whatever units he wants, PitStop (like Adobe programs) will translate them automatically to the units set in the program preferences.