This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to select a spot colour by its suffix in the name.
Warning: Some of these suffixes are references to outdated colour catalogues. If we want to select spot colours with more flexibility, we may have to resort to another command. This action is intended with solving the use of spot colours from a wrong catalogue for the medium to be printed on (e.g. the use of coated colours for uncoated papers).
There are two options mutually exclusive:
- "
With a known suffix
": Any spot colour that contains what PitStop considers "a known suffix" in its name is selected. This means any one of the 22 listed in the list below. - "
With a known suffix except with suffix: …
": Any spot colour that contains what PitStop considers "a known suffix" but the one chosen in the list is selected.
Warning: If a spot colour does not have one of these suffixes (it is called, for example, "Corporate red
" or "Light salmon
"), it will not be selected with either option.
It should be remembered that manufacturers do not usually change the ink composition of their colours just because they have different suffixes: what changes is the chromatic appearance offered, that is, the expected colour. This is why this order is particularly important if a colour change is to be made.
Besides, we must remember that several of the Pantone catalogues are process colours, not spot ones, and that some standardisation bodies for the use of PDF in printing advise against the use of spot colours ending in obsolete suffixes or unsuitable for a given printing method.
[© Gustavo Sánchez Muñoz, 2025] Gustavo Sánchez Muñoz (also identified as Gusgsm) is the author of the content of this page. Its graphic and written content can be shared, copied and redistributed in whole or in part without the express permission of its author with the only condition that it cannot be used for directly commercial purposes (that is: It cannot be resold, but it can form part as reasonable quotations in commercial works) and the legal terms of any derivative works must be the same as those expressed in this statement. The citation of the source with reference to this site and its author is not mandatory, although it is always appreciated.